Photo of myself standing in front of a lake and mountain peak
A sunrise in Chicago waterfront with myself standing on the edge of a pathway
A photo of myself walking down a road in rainy British Columbia

I'm still figuring it out

Hey, my name is Mitul and welcome to my space on the internet. I'm a self-taught design engineer based in Toronto, Canada.

Learning to code has felt like a superpower for me, it allows me to bring any idea I can imagine to life. I love creating and focusing on the little things that enhance our experiences as we dive into the abyss of the web.

Apart from all of that, a strong sense of curiosity about the world has always driven me. Travel, and specifically the diverse experiences gained from exploring different places, cultures, and landscapes, have significantly influenced my personal growth.

My life thrives on both chaos and serendipity. I'm just tryna channel the same spirit of adventure as Ferris Bueller.


  • Seek discomfort
  • Do difficult things as they are the most rewarding
  • Anything is possible with discipline

Bucket List

  • Travel the world
  • Visit Iceland
  • Do a backflip in every contintent
  • Go skydiving
  • Solo backpack across Europe
  • Photograph an artist at the MSG
  • Open a restaurant
  • Drive across North America
  • Live in New York City
  • Do a month+ long hike
  • Go on tour with an artist
  • Climb a large mountain
  • Help my parents retire
  • Roadtrip with strangers
  • Host a photo gallery